Prospect companies based on their fleet

6 Steps
14 minutes

You want to make a selection of companies based on their fleet.

Or more precisely, your ideal customer profile is a transport company with a positive equity and a fleet of at least x number of trucks.

You would like to have a list of such companies located in the Ghent region.

How do you proceed?

Look for parameters that characterize your list

Openthebox contains information about companies that is published in public sources such as the Belgian Official Gazette. So you're looking for parameters that are in the financial statements or other official publications.

Let's include our case (see introduction):

Apply parameters
x number of trucks - financial statements:

The number of trucks that a company leases or owns is not published. So you can't find exact figures about this.

However, you can make your own assessment by working with the 25 accounts published in the financial statements leasing and similar rights and the 24 account furniture and rolling stock.

If you know the value of a purchased and leased truck, these 2 accounts can give you an indication of the size of the fleet. In openthebox, you can select companies accordingly.

transport company - NACE code:

If you have the NACE code you don't know, you can find it by keyword in openthebox's “Advanced Search” or you can search for a transport company in openthebox and see what NACE code that company mentions.

Enter your parameters in openthebox and get your list on a spreadsheet

Start a advanced search and enter the following parameters:

Ghent region:
Transport company:
Positive equity:
Fleet size indication:
Analyze & view your results

Check out your selection at aggregated level. For example, you can see that most companies have between 10 and 50 employees and that a few have filed for bankruptcy:

Check out your selection of 72 companies now individually and sort by, for example, the evolution of equity:

Export into a spreadsheet and import into your CRM

Would you rather view your selection in a spreadsheet or import it into your CRM system? Then export your list.

Bonus: Stay up to date

Want to stay up to date when a new company matches your search?

Then save your search and receive email notifications. As soon as a new company meets your parameters, you (and your sales team) know that.